12 Factorial
12 Factorial
Ingrid Christie graduated from the University of Central Lancashire with first class honours in Fine Art. She also completed two years of a science degree and after gaining 100% in mathematics at Luton University it was suggested she pursue a career in statistics or applied maths. These areas of study feed heavily into Chrisite’s art practice. Although logic and science play a significant role, Christie’s interest in Taoist philosophy spans thirty years and is also ever present in all she creates.
The ‘Inter’ series knits together these diverse strands of interest, from the mystical to the scientific. What has transpired, is the birth of a new breed of painting – a whole that bears witness to the sum of all its parts whilst giving each part a performative role. A painting that can be reconfigured into billions of combinations.
The mathematics involved in the deconstruction and reformulation of these paintings is almost incomprehensible. Permutations are so high they cannot be worked out using a standard calculator. The number of unique variations for ‘Inter 1’ sits at 245 billion. Put another way, if a new combination of the painting was to be viewed every second, it would take 7,000 years to view every one.