The Friday of the second full week of Fringe 2015 has brought yet more reasons to celebrate at Summerhall, with another two of our shows receiving The Scotsman Fringe First Award.
This weeks deserving recipients are Grid Iron for their show Light Boxes and Theater aan Zee who have brought The Great Downhill Journey of Little Tommy to Summerhall as part of the Big in Belgium programme. Huge congratulations go to them!
This week’s Fest Magazine has two features that involve Summerhall shows. Stewart Pringle has a 10-year retrospective on Daniel Kitson, the writer of Polyphony. There is also an extensive feature on the Aurora Nova programme by Alice Saville, which includes the following shows based at Summerhall:
17 Border Crossings
Portraits in Motion
The Animotion Show
Come and pick up your copy in the Summerhall foyer.