Artist Talk: Ian Hughes
Artist Talk: Ian Hughes
Summerhall Visual Arts
Mon 17 Mar 2014
14:00 - 15:00
(1 hour)Please note: some viewers may find the subject matter upsetting. There are some images containing nudity.
_ Price: Free, but ticketed and limited places. Email to reserve your ticket
_ Age Group: PG
_ Venue: Meadows Gallery
An informal opportunity to meet with Ian Hughes, as he discusses the research and methods which informed his current exhibition ‘Unearthed Tongues Set Free’.Please email to book your ticket.Ian Hughes is a Glasgow born artist, he trained at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee and has been living in Edinburgh for the past 30 years, spending much of his time exploring areas in Poland and Russia affected by the Holocaust. Hughes, moved by his research trips, uses elements of photography, painting and sculpture to create works reminiscent of religious icons, forcing the viewer to engage with the discomfort of the atrocities.’Unearthed Tongues Set Free’ is part of Summerhall Visual Arts Feb-March Programme. Open every day, 11am-6pm, till the 22nd March. |