Cinemaattic: Basque Cinema | Amama + Q&A
Cinemaattic: Basque Cinema | Amama + Q&A
A journey into the filmography of one of Spain’s most original filmmakers. Arthouse cinema at its core, Asier Altuna joins us for a special evening showing some of his most celebrated short films and the screening of award-winning film AMAMA (When a Tree Falls), followed by a Q&A with the director.
This event is part of Cinemaattic’s retrospective KIMUAK: 20 YEARS OF BASQUE FILMS, celebrating twenty years since the Basque Government decided to include the production and distribution of short films as a core area of support and national interest. Since 1998, the public funded agency Kimuak selects and distributes internationally the best sprouts from Basque short-filmmakers.
Asier Altuna was part of the first Kimuak selection back in 1998 with ‘Txotx’. Strong advocate of the short-film format, a genre which he has returned despite the success of his feature films.
The story of a family; the story of a conflict. The rural and the urban, the past and the present, parents and their offspring: opposing ways of life struggle against one another whilst, in eloquent silence, the grandmother — Amama — watches her family’s destiny unfold.