FREE! Fun Yoga for Children (3 to 12 years)
FREE! Fun Yoga for Children (3 to 12 years)
Froggy Yoga Kids uses a holistic approach to make children’s discovery of yoga a magical journey of adventure and fun.
It is designed for children between 3 and 12 years of age with all course contents carefully planned to respect and contribute positively to the important areas of child development such as emotional, social, linguistic, cognitive, physical and spiritual.
Every class has been designed with a pedagogical intention and works with some of the objectives of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
We aim that every child will learn through yoga poses games, music, breathing exercises and short guided meditation:
– Awareness of their body parts and their capabilities
– The breath as an instrument to help them to relax and calm their minds
– The connection between body and emotions
– The pleasure of working with others while still being recognised and treated as a valuable and unique individual
– Increased awareness of their senses
– The use of imagination to encourage creativity
Yoga is a fun experience!