In Our Hands: Seeding Change
In Our Hands has been made throughout the tumultuous year of the Brexit referendum as a collaboration between the small scale farmers’ union the Landworkers’ Alliance, and Black Bark films. It has been made to bring people together to think about their food and to bust the myth of the industrial farming system. Our current industrial food system is like a vast wheezing giant, it’s propped up by an outdated subsidy system that pays out to landowners, rather than land workers, and leaves many farmers adrift in its wake. But … from the hedgerows and by-roads, in the fields and in the furrows can be heard the stirring of change. Stories of struggle from the global South have spread like pollen on the wind and inspired farmers around us. They have learned of the idea of Food Sovereignty and have heard of a global movement to take back control of the food system. A new agricultural landscape is emerging, one that will bring back life to the soil, a fair wage to the farmer and a flavour to the tomato.
The Landworkers’ Alliance and Black Bark Films decided to unearth the farms and farmers that are making this change happen every day. In Our Hands is the inspiring story of real life farmers taking on the might of the industrial food system and taking back control of their lives.
We stand on the brink, the future is uncertain, but the seeds of a better food system are quite simply … In Our Hands!
Followed by Q&A and locally sourced food offerings.